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Cat Virgo

First of all, thanks for visiting! If you are reading this blog, chances are you are either a happy person already or are simply looking for something to brighten your day. I hope I can help. I wanted to make this blog not because I have always been a cheerful person, but because not long ago I was in a pretty dark place myself. My life has never been as bad as many others' out there, but there were times that I felt so beaten down that all I could do to keep myself together was to look to the future and count my little blessings day to day. Then in May 2014 I had the opportunity to change my life forever. I made the move from Fresno, California to North Bend, Oregon and have not stopped smiling since.My hope for the world is to feel the same way as I do now. So please, while you are here, share your stories and let me know what "Little Things" in life make you smile.

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